Killer pig flu threat to UK: BA crew member rushed to hospital as 81 die in outbreak
By Mail On Sunday Reporter
Last updated at 2:31 AM on 26th April 2009
- Pig flu virus may have killed 81 people
- 1,300 others thought to have been infected
- BA crew member on Mexico flight rushed to hospital
- Source of the outbreak is not yet known
- Travellers with symptoms warned to contact GP
- Tamiflu and Relenza both effective against the illness
Fears are growing that a deadly human strain of 'swine flu' that has claimed 81 lives in Mexico has arrived in Britain.
A British Airways cabin crew member yesterday complained of 'flu-like symptoms' midway through a flight to Heathrow from Mexico City, where the virus first surfaced.
Last night the unnamed man, understood to be a British national, was in isolation in a West London hospital and was being treated by staff trained in infectious disease controls.
Earlier, panic spread throughout Mexico, where those who died were reported to be the first victims of a pandemic with the potential to kill millions.
Experts said the virus posed the biggest threat of a pandemic since bird flu began to spread in 2003.
That has killed 256 people in 15 countries.
A group of nuns walk wearing surgical masks in the Zocalo plaza
Pigs at a farm on the outskirts of Mexico City yesterday where officials are taking measures to contain the influenza
As well as the 81 dead – mostly aged between 25 and 45 – more than 1,300 patients were being treated in Mexico for respiratory infections that showed signs of the new strain.
The same virus type has appeared in Texas, California, Kansas and New York. A total of 19 people have been infected, eight of whom have recovered.
Last night it was reported that President Obama had met one of the possible victims earlier this month.
He was greeted on his visit to Mexico City on April 16 by archaeologist Felipe Solis, who died the following day from flu-like symptoms.
Tests on Saturday night also showed that eight students who fell ill at a school in New York with flu-like symptoms on Thursday and Friday also had the virus.
A US government source said ‘hundreds’ of Americans had been in contact with infected people and that it was now urgent that this group be tested.
There is no vaccine for the new strain, but patients who become ill with it can be treated with anti-viral drugs.
People wear masks as they pray in Mexico City's Cathedral
Mexican mounted policemen patrol in Mexico City's historic Zocalo square
It is expected that all travel to and from Mexico will be halted and that any Britons in California, New York and Kansas will be instructed to get full medical check-ups before flying back to Europe.
Mexico’s health secretary, Jose Angel Cordova, went on national television yesterday to issue a stark warning. He said: ‘This is highly contagious. It can be fatal and it has pandemic properties.’
He advised people to stay in their homes if possible, keep away from public places and avoid physical contact.
Neighbouring California has made a 'rigorous and thorough' response to the new strain, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said.
The BA attendant was taken from BA flight 242 to Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow and was said to be responding well to treatment.
Medics from the Heathrow Port Health Authority were waiting at the airport when the aircraft landed. They boarded the jumbo jet and kept passengers waiting on board while they examined the steward.
Yesterday afternoon, BA provided 30 face masks for crew on the next flight to Mexico from Heathrow. Sources said they had bought all the masks on sale at Boots in the airport.
Danger: Women wear surgical masks as they exit the subway
Mexico City canceled hundreds of public concerts, sporting events and meetings on Saturday as authorities tried to contain the outbreak
A cabin crew source said: ‘BA bought 30 masks from Boots because there are concerns about the spread of this flu in Mexico. There is no Mexico flight from Heathrow on Sunday, and we are hoping that by the time Monday’s flight leaves London, BA will be able to find more masks so that our crew can be protected if needs be. The same happened a while ago during the SARS outbreak.’
A Northwick Park Hospital spokesman said: ‘The patient was admitted directly to a side room and the hospital is scrupulously following infection control procedures to ensure there is no risk to any other individual in the hospital.’
The Health Protection Agency said: ‘We are aware of a patient admitted to a London hospital with reported travel history to Mexico. As a precautionary measure the patient is being tested for a range of respiratory and other illnesses in line with UK health guidance. At present there have been no confirmed cases of human swine flu anywhere in Europe.’
World Health Organisation director-general Margaret Chan said the outbreak in Mexico involves ‘an animal strain of the H1N1 virus’.
Those who died in Mexico – where the first case was confirmed on April 13 – had not been in contact with animals. Mr Cordova said: ‘This probably started with pigs but has now mutated to pass between humans.’
An organ grinder, wearing surgical masks as a precaution against infection
A police officer, wearing a surgical mask as a precaution against infection, directs traffic in downtown Mexico City
The age of the victims last night heightened fears that the virus could be the beginning of a pandemic – most victims of the so-called Spanish flu that wiped out about 50million people after the First World War were men and women in their prime.
Medical experts said last night that while starting like a normal flu, victims’ temperatures soon shot to 102F, with muscle aches so painful they were almost paralysing. The flu is also characterised by extremely painful headaches and eventually diarrhoea and vomiting.
The Mexican government began a mass immunisation programme, but abandoned it on Friday after it was acknowledged that the vaccines offered no protection against the new killer virus.
In efforts to stop the disease spreading, the authorities ordered all schools and universities across Mexico City to close until further notice.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, pictured at NASA's Ames Research Center yesterday, said the state is coordinating with federal and international health experts on its plan to fight the flu
Museums and theatres also shut, rock concerts were cancelled. Health workers have been posted at transport hubs in an attempt to keep anyone showing symptoms off the transport system.
‘The worst thing is that you don’t know who has this virus,’ said Gisela Hernandez, a 34-year-old housewife. ‘Maybe your neighbour has got it. Maybe the guy in the corner shop or the restaurant has it.’
It is thought people can carry the virus for up to seven days before symptoms show. Michael Osterholm, a pandemic flu expert at the University of Minnesota, said new cases were probably already incubating across he world.
Tamiflu, an antiviral drug used against bird flu, is said to be effective against the new strain.
Swine flu is a respiratory disease, normally confined to pigs. Only a few human cases have been reported in the past, mostly among farm workers, however, flu viruses can mutate into deadly new forms.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Piggy Flu !
Well i read about the flu in the newspaper this morning. Then i search it online and i found this article. Just becareful! I love you all. ;]
Friday, April 24, 2009
Summary about Yesterday..
Di sebabkn cite neh da satu hari basi. so sy cite summary je r. otak ta bulih na mengramatiskn ayat-ayat pendek cite tuh.
Well, yesterday at chemistry lab, our class was doing an experiment. Just a simple experiment that only use sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate solution. Well, while we're doing the experiment, i went to front to fill up the measuring cylinder with 50cm3 then suddenly, the 1st group scream and make all of us shock and stared at the group one table. What happen? their boiling solution suddenly fell down from the retort stand and spread rapidly. hahah! but thanks god, no one hurt.
Five minutes later, after i filled the sodium thiosulphate into the measuring cylinder, someone fell down! who is it? yes, thats me! hahah. thanks to God nothing serious happen, the sodium thiosuphate solution fly-fly and away and splash on Siak Hong and Yin Lee cloth! poor them, sorry! and thank God because Na2S2O3 didn't bring any dangerous effect. hahah. by the way, those people who saw me fell, they said that i was spinning around while my hand di arahkn ke atas serta holding tight the measuring cylinder. Why i'm holding tight the measuring cylinder? because teacher said that if any apparatus missing/broken/crack, our class have to pay for it. hahah. lucky me. Plus! thanks to God again because saye jatuh terduduk. well, saye tak malu sangat cuz last year i also fell in my class and spinning like a ballet dancer only because one of my leg stuck under a chair. The same cause at different year. hahah. bebel sajaa.
Then! 5 minutes later, Nisa terpecahkan thermometer. Luckyly, she didn't touch the mercury. The mercury suddenly missing. hahah! And lucky us, teacher didn't told us to pay for the thermometer. Fuuhhh! what a bad day at chemistry lab. the end.
p/s; ampun maaf dipinta sekira nya sy salah mengeja, salah bahasa, salah grammer and other. bukan nak menunjuk-nunjuk. hanye nak practice-kn diri berbahase english. Trial and error do make we become more pengetahuan. so don't shy-shy to tegur my error. ;] thanks!
Well, yesterday at chemistry lab, our class was doing an experiment. Just a simple experiment that only use sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate solution. Well, while we're doing the experiment, i went to front to fill up the measuring cylinder with 50cm3 then suddenly, the 1st group scream and make all of us shock and stared at the group one table. What happen? their boiling solution suddenly fell down from the retort stand and spread rapidly. hahah! but thanks god, no one hurt.
Five minutes later, after i filled the sodium thiosulphate into the measuring cylinder, someone fell down! who is it? yes, thats me! hahah. thanks to God nothing serious happen, the sodium thiosuphate solution fly-fly and away and splash on Siak Hong and Yin Lee cloth! poor them, sorry! and thank God because Na2S2O3 didn't bring any dangerous effect. hahah. by the way, those people who saw me fell, they said that i was spinning around while my hand di arahkn ke atas serta holding tight the measuring cylinder. Why i'm holding tight the measuring cylinder? because teacher said that if any apparatus missing/broken/crack, our class have to pay for it. hahah. lucky me. Plus! thanks to God again because saye jatuh terduduk. well, saye tak malu sangat cuz last year i also fell in my class and spinning like a ballet dancer only because one of my leg stuck under a chair. The same cause at different year. hahah. bebel sajaa.
Then! 5 minutes later, Nisa terpecahkan thermometer. Luckyly, she didn't touch the mercury. The mercury suddenly missing. hahah! And lucky us, teacher didn't told us to pay for the thermometer. Fuuhhh! what a bad day at chemistry lab. the end.
p/s; ampun maaf dipinta sekira nya sy salah mengeja, salah bahasa, salah grammer and other. bukan nak menunjuk-nunjuk. hanye nak practice-kn diri berbahase english. Trial and error do make we become more pengetahuan. so don't shy-shy to tegur my error. ;] thanks!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy vs Misreable
Salam. Pagy tadi surpose kene ikot budak2 kompang g lawan kat PPD,Hulu Langat. Sepatot nye, pukol 7.30 da ade kat skola tp nak bwat cane kan da penat sesgt smpi ta seda. thanks to my friend yg susa2 tepon kejotkn. hahah! seda2 da pkol 8 pagy. pe lagyk mcm 'katrina' sesiap sume. da siap pegy my mum room then minta die duet na pegy book fair, she still sleepy, maklum la mlm tadi tedo lewat cuz dok ym ngun my father. then after da dpt duwet, sy bwat la muke kesian they suro my mum anto g skola cuz time tuh da lewat da pkol 8.30. huaa! late one hour. Then my mum suro jalan kaki, they sy pon bwat la pelbagai2 khazanah pnye ayat d smbung2 menjadi rumusan. Last2 my mum bersetuju na anto.heheh! thanks mum! love u. then kelam kabot la nek kete.
Sesampai nya kat skola, sy tepon nisa tnye katne. nisa kate dowg ade kat depan dewan. setibanya di hadapan dewan jumpe la c nisaq tuh. then nisa kate 'kite takyah r pegy, cikgu da pilih org len ganti tmpat kite da' huuu.redha je la. then me n nisaq pegy belakang na negok tournament friendly between our school(tmn tasik) and skola dato'. terbahagi kepade 4 catagory, under18 L/P and under15 L/P. Me and nisaq jadi kapla team 'cheer'. haha! cmpi saket tekak d buat nya. Tp bebaloi gak taw ktowg jerit2 sume. Syukur alhamdulillah skola ktorg kongke sume! syukur2. ;].
Then after abes tournament tuh. Me and reeyn n nizam discuss about na pegy Book Fair tuh. discuss pnye discuss last keputusan muktamad, pukol 2 dekat bustop uma reeyn!. sesuda nya tiba d rumah. Oh my Allah Almighty! i forgot to bring my kunci rumah. adoiyai! da la tade org kat uma. aisehh.. then sy p la keliling goncang2 rumah malang nya satu pintu/tingkap pon ta terbukak. saboo je la.. they da penat, p dok atas moto skuter my kazen termenung kepenatan serta wondering when la my mum ney na balek.. after 15 menet kat luar umah tanpa masok, sy pon bwat keputusan na pegy kedai bwah na pegy public phone cuz my phone xde credit. p public masok dwet 20sen. call my mum, mintak kunci then my mum tanye nape ta bwak kunci? haha! da mcm puting beliung kua umah pagy tadi mcm mane ta tertggl. then my mum kate die ade dekat umah my aunty dekat Lancang,Pahang. Aisehh..balek umah dgn hampa. Suddenly! terserempak dgn kak wati. fuhh syukur alhamdulillah!! Tepat pkol 1.30p.m. sy baru boley masok jejak kaki kat dlm umah. huaaa penat nye! rase cm malas plak na pegy book fair tuh. tp da janji lagy pon sy na beli buku, then force la diri pegy sesiap sume. pkol 2.10p.m. reeyn da mesez, time tuh sy baru na kua umah.hee. sampey je kat bustop jmpe reeyn then gerak umah nizam. pastu tros p tggu bus.
Sampai lrt ampang, p beli ticket pegy-balek pwtc. then sampey la kat destinasi yg di tuju! whoaaa rmai gilo mahluk allah s.w.t. then jumpe anne, g la jejln ronda2 tawaf book fair tuh ngun die. hahah! bnyk gak buku ktowg beli. beli negok balek n, sempat ke aku buat sesume neyh?? hanye allah sahaja yg tahu.;]. then otw na kua dari pwtc tuh. ade la abg ney dok tepi corner, sy lalu pastuh die ulur smthing. I thought die ulur pemplet, so sy pon senyom la sehabis boleh smbil grab mende tuh then say thank you. then tetibe org tuh tanak lepas mende tuh, baru la sy seda mende tuh bkn pemplet, ia merupakan buku, then abg tuh cakap iney derma untok anak yatim. then! sy da kaku keras mcm batu da kat situ, nak bagy ke tanak? die kate duet syiling pon die terima, kalo na beli buku tuh harge die rm15. ragu2 meh, nak derma tp haty ta ikhlas plak. adoiyai! then reeyn bagy abg tuh rm2. cuz reen tggl duet ntok tmbang je. pastu ktowg pon blah, dlm otw na pegy lrt tuh tergiang2 dlm otak fikiran, kenapa aku ta bagy je duet kat abg tuh tadik? untok anak yatim tuh! adoiyai, nak patah balik da jauh da. rase bersalah giler r!
Naek lrt smpi hang tuah turun pegy makan2 jejln. mule2 ingat nak makan kat kitaro, satgi kitaro full, na bwat cane p la mkn kat food court atas. pssst2! reeyn makan duwe pinggan!hahah cian die ta makan dari pagy. ;]. then lepas da makan2 na balek, ktowg lalu bb, pastuh ternampak satu crowd makcik2 pakcik2 foregein/forgein/watva ney dok kumpol. ktowg pon pegy la dekat2. guess what we saw? we saw ular sawo and monyet kechik tgn maen2. reeyn pon grab my camera g la dekat2 na p amek gambo ular n monyet tuh. tetibe uncle yg pegang ular tuh tanye reeyn. nak try? mule2 reeyn kate tak pe, pastuh org tuh letaq gak atas bahu die. eiii! subbahanallah! besaw tuh! then reeyn gave me camera, then i snap la gmba die dgn ular tuh, pastuh reeyn kate berat giler, pastuh tetibe uncle tuh pegy letaq lagyk seko ulor yg lagyk beso, reeyn kate tak payah, dah cukop berat da. then org tuh letaq gak. then i pon snap again. org sume senyap je negok. pic yg i snap tuh ta brape cun sgt. blur2 cuz mlm kot.;] nak gune flash battery da na kong. then ktowg na balek r. tetibe org tuh suroh reeyn bayar rm10! uihhh?! f*ck giler cine tuh! die yg suro org try then die mintak duet plak, bukan nak bagy taw awal2 kne baya. dodowl towl. then reeyn discuss ngun aunty tuh, reeyn ckp ktowg delete gmba tuh, takyah bayar. then uncle tuh dok biseng2 'bayar,bayar,bayar'. then sy pon na kuar r duet sat g reeyn kate takpe die bayar. pastuh ktowg teros blah. dlm otw tuh ktowg dok la maki hamun org tuh.. then ktowg teringt la mmbr ktowg kate chinese ney kebanyakkan nya dlm bisnes suke maen kotor. huh! redha je la reeyn! dugaaan. setiap yg berlaku ade hikmah d sebalik nya kan?
Then ktowg menapak la dari bb p pavi, pavi p klcc. smpi depan klcc tros ade bus, time tuh da pukol 7 lebey da na dekat pkol lapan. dalam bus sume senyap je. kepenatan. dok tempat asing2 plak tuh. beg berat bnyk buku. muke da berminyak sebaldi size XL da. then sorg2 turun balek uma. smpi umah i told my mum bout chinese tuh and anak yatim tuh.
humm. you know what? i still teringat pasal anak yatim tuh. rase bersalah sesgt! dlm my pocket ade lagyk duet balance. rugy ta bagy kat anak yatim tuh. uwaaa! bersalah sangat ke ako ney? ayoyoo! maaf ampun di pinta.
Sesampai nya kat skola, sy tepon nisa tnye katne. nisa kate dowg ade kat depan dewan. setibanya di hadapan dewan jumpe la c nisaq tuh. then nisa kate 'kite takyah r pegy, cikgu da pilih org len ganti tmpat kite da' huuu.redha je la. then me n nisaq pegy belakang na negok tournament friendly between our school(tmn tasik) and skola dato'. terbahagi kepade 4 catagory, under18 L/P and under15 L/P. Me and nisaq jadi kapla team 'cheer'. haha! cmpi saket tekak d buat nya. Tp bebaloi gak taw ktowg jerit2 sume. Syukur alhamdulillah skola ktorg kongke sume! syukur2. ;].
Then after abes tournament tuh. Me and reeyn n nizam discuss about na pegy Book Fair tuh. discuss pnye discuss last keputusan muktamad, pukol 2 dekat bustop uma reeyn!. sesuda nya tiba d rumah. Oh my Allah Almighty! i forgot to bring my kunci rumah. adoiyai! da la tade org kat uma. aisehh.. then sy p la keliling goncang2 rumah malang nya satu pintu/tingkap pon ta terbukak. saboo je la.. they da penat, p dok atas moto skuter my kazen termenung kepenatan serta wondering when la my mum ney na balek.. after 15 menet kat luar umah tanpa masok, sy pon bwat keputusan na pegy kedai bwah na pegy public phone cuz my phone xde credit. p public masok dwet 20sen. call my mum, mintak kunci then my mum tanye nape ta bwak kunci? haha! da mcm puting beliung kua umah pagy tadi mcm mane ta tertggl. then my mum kate die ade dekat umah my aunty dekat Lancang,Pahang. Aisehh..balek umah dgn hampa. Suddenly! terserempak dgn kak wati. fuhh syukur alhamdulillah!! Tepat pkol 1.30p.m. sy baru boley masok jejak kaki kat dlm umah. huaaa penat nye! rase cm malas plak na pegy book fair tuh. tp da janji lagy pon sy na beli buku, then force la diri pegy sesiap sume. pkol 2.10p.m. reeyn da mesez, time tuh sy baru na kua umah.hee. sampey je kat bustop jmpe reeyn then gerak umah nizam. pastu tros p tggu bus.
Sampai lrt ampang, p beli ticket pegy-balek pwtc. then sampey la kat destinasi yg di tuju! whoaaa rmai gilo mahluk allah s.w.t. then jumpe anne, g la jejln ronda2 tawaf book fair tuh ngun die. hahah! bnyk gak buku ktowg beli. beli negok balek n, sempat ke aku buat sesume neyh?? hanye allah sahaja yg tahu.;]. then otw na kua dari pwtc tuh. ade la abg ney dok tepi corner, sy lalu pastuh die ulur smthing. I thought die ulur pemplet, so sy pon senyom la sehabis boleh smbil grab mende tuh then say thank you. then tetibe org tuh tanak lepas mende tuh, baru la sy seda mende tuh bkn pemplet, ia merupakan buku, then abg tuh cakap iney derma untok anak yatim. then! sy da kaku keras mcm batu da kat situ, nak bagy ke tanak? die kate duet syiling pon die terima, kalo na beli buku tuh harge die rm15. ragu2 meh, nak derma tp haty ta ikhlas plak. adoiyai! then reeyn bagy abg tuh rm2. cuz reen tggl duet ntok tmbang je. pastu ktowg pon blah, dlm otw na pegy lrt tuh tergiang2 dlm otak fikiran, kenapa aku ta bagy je duet kat abg tuh tadik? untok anak yatim tuh! adoiyai, nak patah balik da jauh da. rase bersalah giler r!
Naek lrt smpi hang tuah turun pegy makan2 jejln. mule2 ingat nak makan kat kitaro, satgi kitaro full, na bwat cane p la mkn kat food court atas. pssst2! reeyn makan duwe pinggan!hahah cian die ta makan dari pagy. ;]. then lepas da makan2 na balek, ktowg lalu bb, pastuh ternampak satu crowd makcik2 pakcik2 foregein/forgein/watva ney dok kumpol. ktowg pon pegy la dekat2. guess what we saw? we saw ular sawo and monyet kechik tgn maen2. reeyn pon grab my camera g la dekat2 na p amek gambo ular n monyet tuh. tetibe uncle yg pegang ular tuh tanye reeyn. nak try? mule2 reeyn kate tak pe, pastuh org tuh letaq gak atas bahu die. eiii! subbahanallah! besaw tuh! then reeyn gave me camera, then i snap la gmba die dgn ular tuh, pastuh reeyn kate berat giler, pastuh tetibe uncle tuh pegy letaq lagyk seko ulor yg lagyk beso, reeyn kate tak payah, dah cukop berat da. then org tuh letaq gak. then i pon snap again. org sume senyap je negok. pic yg i snap tuh ta brape cun sgt. blur2 cuz mlm kot.;] nak gune flash battery da na kong. then ktowg na balek r. tetibe org tuh suroh reeyn bayar rm10! uihhh?! f*ck giler cine tuh! die yg suro org try then die mintak duet plak, bukan nak bagy taw awal2 kne baya. dodowl towl. then reeyn discuss ngun aunty tuh, reeyn ckp ktowg delete gmba tuh, takyah bayar. then uncle tuh dok biseng2 'bayar,bayar,bayar'. then sy pon na kuar r duet sat g reeyn kate takpe die bayar. pastuh ktowg teros blah. dlm otw tuh ktowg dok la maki hamun org tuh.. then ktowg teringt la mmbr ktowg kate chinese ney kebanyakkan nya dlm bisnes suke maen kotor. huh! redha je la reeyn! dugaaan. setiap yg berlaku ade hikmah d sebalik nya kan?
Then ktowg menapak la dari bb p pavi, pavi p klcc. smpi depan klcc tros ade bus, time tuh da pukol 7 lebey da na dekat pkol lapan. dalam bus sume senyap je. kepenatan. dok tempat asing2 plak tuh. beg berat bnyk buku. muke da berminyak sebaldi size XL da. then sorg2 turun balek uma. smpi umah i told my mum bout chinese tuh and anak yatim tuh.
humm. you know what? i still teringat pasal anak yatim tuh. rase bersalah sesgt! dlm my pocket ade lagyk duet balance. rugy ta bagy kat anak yatim tuh. uwaaa! bersalah sangat ke ako ney? ayoyoo! maaf ampun di pinta.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Searching for Physics SPM Notes?
Well Good News for SPM Candidate 2009! Well, last week i've found a website, actually it is a blog which written by Physics Teacher. He teach at Kedah. Are you looking for Online tuition,tips sharing and discussion for SPM & OLEVEL? do check it out by clicking here --> SPM Physics .By the way, i just want to share his notes to all SPM Candidate! Hoping that those notes will help u in SPM!
Fly to the sky
Today, went to school as usual. At physic class i ignore whatever teacher said. I went at the back, sitting with the 'back' student. Talking, Laughing, Reading newspaper, doing nothing. After physic class end. I went back to my place, at the FRONT. Searching for my admet textbook. And it suddenly GONE! I looked around, ask my friends and they said that they didn't see it. Although i put my exercise and my note book inside the textbook and i put the textbook on my table but the only left are my exercise n note book, the textbook MIA. I asked everyone in that class, but still didn't found it. I wonder who took my textbook?please i'm begging you, return it back to me. I promise you i wouldn't harm you. And i will forgive you if u return it back to me. I just want my textbook back, it is my own textbook came from my sister (turun temurun). And it got my sister name on it. Nadia Safirah Bt Rusli. Whoever see/saw additional mathematics textbook form5 and got my sister name on it, please return it back to me. Thank you soo much!
Last saturday, my school ade 'Pertandingan Kawad Kaki Peringkat Sekolah 2009'. This year is an exciting year. And make history in my school, because this year competition terdapat 10 platuns from each uniform take place/part. 5 platuns are GO and other 5 are NGO. Usually, while i'm in form1 until form4, only 3-5 platuns take part. But this year as my final year, PK Ko-Ko forced all unit uniform to take place. Thank you teacher! Well, these are the list of the uniform that took part in the competition;
- Kadet Pertahanan Awam *mine
- Kadet Remaja Sekolah
- Kadet Polis
- Kadet Bomba
- Kadet Koreksional
- St.John Ambulance
- Puteri Islam
- Pengakap (Scouts 22)
- Pandu Puteri.
p/s; the gurl that jumping is my classmate, Khairunnisa! ;p
**Lastly, In conclusion, no more ideas to talk/write/type about. I just want to promote DO COME TO BOOK FAIR 2009 at PWTC starting TODAY! till next week! come on, lets buy some books! Once a year(hehe). Who want to follow me tommorow?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
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