We went to McD to ate our supper. We arrived at my father apartment around 0430. It was so cold out there. Not too cold. In the morning the temperature just like Cameron Highland while in the night the temperature just like at Genting Highlands except there's no smokes(asap) when we're talking. haha!
p/s; there's no chili sos here. Only ketchup that available.
We take our nap without open the air-cond because its cold enough. The view aren't really nice, I prefer Malaysia more because Malaysia got many grass, trees and flowers. While in Dubai there's lots of sand everywhere, lack off parking lots, the Dubai Metro move just like Malaysian LRTs, and they managed Dubai without thinking deeply. Everythings aren't systematics. But I do like here because there's few places that we can't see/get/have in Malaysia. Lets give Dubai a second chance. ;]
My father said that the water that come out through the pipe are came increasing linearly from the sea(hard water). Thats why when I took a shower just now, my hair became rough and difficult to manage. Haiyoo. But then i do enjoy being here. On our 1st Day here, we went to Ibn Battuta Mall. Such a lovely place although the merchandise sell there are quiet expensive for me. There's a big sign tells SALE!! but.. haha. In the Ibn Battuta, there's Chinese concept, Indian, Egyptian and many more. The Mall is quite long. There's a car in the mall that can take us around and explain briefly about each place. We need tp pay 5Dhs per person. I can't remember all. Sorry.
Tomorrow we might be go to MOE in the morning by bus, in the evening our father will fetch us there and take us to Golden Villages. Well see you next time my friends!
Before arriving at Ibn Battuta;
Photo's from Ibn Battuta;
faris....dont forget souvenir for me..!!
ohhh so this is the secret! so bakal stay sana for how long? korang pergi bertiga saje? your mom dah dtg lama eh?
enjoy yourself!
farisss..g dubai..na somethng kt sne!!
waa..jeles!!..grrr...tnggu ko..aq maw g china t..haha..;pp
Salam kak adriana,
haha! insyaAllah. ;]
Salam Kak Long,
yeahh this is the secret! heee. Ermm stay sini for a week sajaa. Tak la ktorg pergi berempat. 3org naek AirAsia, sorg lagi naek MAS. My mum duduk sini since dec '09. Cuti sebulan. haha. Tq tq.
Salam Fafa,
ko nak ape? Pasir? buleh nanti ako bawak balik segenggam. haha.
Ape ko nak jeles nye? ko dah pergi Thai ko dah pergi banyak tempat. dodowl. Pergi la kau china tuh. Tak herann. hahaha ;]
haha..jeles la..na g jgk..haha..t da keje kite g german sme2 jum..hahaha..;pp
ouh bestnya dubai hah ? tmpat uhh dari dulu lagi aku nak pegi ;))
abg ko nsem ..
jeles seyh...
bwkan souvenir utk aku...
x malu sungguh aku ni an...huhuhu
hey! what's the place called?? i mean the place with the huge hello kitty store?? i MUST go there..pls3...tell me.. btw.. u guys looks like u're having so much fun..btw, korg sgt amat tinggi skrg ok! takmo jumpe korg..boooo....
Sonok bjalan nmpak...datang r NZ lak pasni. :D
Perghh! Anak lord ek ko nih. Tapi xpe, status x menjadi masalah. Hahaha.
Cardiff ni capital city of Wales. UK bahagian bwh.
Kat UniKL, aku blaja mechanical engineering. Kira satu tahun kat Malaysia, 3 tahun selebihnya kat Sheffield, insyaAllah. Skrg ni program tu dah establish. Masuk kolej mara kuala nerang dulu. spm kena score. Aku ikut path lain, sbb aku special case. Hahaha.
Salam Adeek,
hah kau,
banyak duit. insyaAllah.
German.. tunggu Fafa & Faris datang!! ;]
Salam Anne,
Best best! Rindu pulak kat sane. haha. Yeke? xpe xpe. Ko akan dapat pergi sane. amin. ;]
Salam Soli,
heh?ouhh abg ako je ke? ako?haha. btw thanks. ;]
Salam Nana,
Jealous ke? bagus la.hahahah
souvenier? ade ade. meh la dtg amek. ;]
Salam Lavea,
Memang best. pergi la! tapi living cost kat sane tinggi la. ;]
Salam Kak Zurin,
Hah! Thats why i suruh my sister duduk sane. sebab i nak capture store Hello Kitty tuh sebab nak tunjuk kat u lah. Because i know that u're so obsess dgn Hello Kitty.haha
Yeahh semua dah tinggi2. Kakak je tak tinggi2 dah. hehe. Eh actually kan ade banyak lagi gamba nak share. Tapi tangan ney malas nak type. So tertangguh la..hehe.
Btw, store itu berada dalam Ibn Battuta, Dubai. ;]
Salam Bro Nadly,
Seronok Seronok! InsyaAllah.. uww Llama!! ;]
Salam Bro FariesFarhan,
huh? anak lord? no la. Ini pon for the first time berpeluang lawat ayah setelah 3tahun ayah kerja sane. Ouhh.. So buat A-lebel dulu la eh? Eh ke buat IB? Eh eh tak faham. hahahah ;]
waaaa... seronoknya jalan2 kat Dubai.... jeles aku. :D
Salam Bro Amir,
ehh. sepatot nye sy yg jealous kat bro amir.
bro amir berpeluang study kat negara orang, Australia.
seronok la dapat belajar kat tempat orang. ;]
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