Saturday, May 21, 2011


Another side of me. Aha. Gambar ni menampakkan ke-hauk-an. Hahah. Gila hodoh faris fikri macam ni. Yet, this is the fact. I'll look like this when i make face like that. So there it is! It's me.

A: Kenapa kakak kau comel sangat ah?
F: Uhmm...................sebab adik dia comel?
A: (terbatuk2)

p/s; rumah saye dah ada fixed line. almost 10 years tak pakai fixed line. haha. tak tahu nak guna untuk apa. sebab kami dah biasa membesar without fixed line phone. terbiar je macam tu.

p/s/s; EQMAL! esokk.. maksud aku, kejap lagi!! Nak daftar dekat UiTM Sri Iskandar dah kau yee. GOOD LUCK!! kalau ada pape, text la aku. Aku teman kau okay? take care boy. Will miss you. ;]

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