Friday, August 28, 2009

Today story telling!

Salam. Yey! tadi pegi tuition. hari ini kelas biology! wahh gitu. best taw. rugi sape tak ambil biology. Well today we learn about DNA fingerprinting. wuhhh! then then ade cerita pasal genetic engineering! kiah cakap die maybe nak ambil course tuh. sebab sir kiteorang cakap course tuh not bad. and i also think that i'm gonna take that too. wahh gituu! fikir masak masak la dulu. tapi quite interesting la jugak.

Genetic engineering ini kan dorang ade combine combine genes. wahh! example like kes stem cell. well as you all know stem cell ini boleh bertukar menjadi ape2 specialized cell. stem cell ini terdapat di blastocyst @ my friend said ade dekat tali pusat. ;] . tapi die ade terbahagi kepade dua la. satu adult stem cell satu lagi embryo stem cell. ade differences between both stem cell. well ape yang nak di cerita kan. genetic engineer ini combine particular genes yang kita/dia nak contoh macam insulin hormone. untuk siapa yang ade diabetes type 1. hee. pastuh nanti die ambil blablablabla dah tak ingat dah. ayat die start dari S. aiyakkk! baru je belajar. dodowl. korang nak tahu korang bace wikipedia la ye?hee

Pastuh kiteorang ade belajar pasal Variation. Last chapter.
What is mean by variation?
Differences in particular characteristic (phenotype) in a member of a species.
korang tahu tak variety? haa macam tuh la. die ade banyak choices. contoh la kate kan la kat malaysia ini semua orang satu jenis hair colour. kate kan la black. so that mean that malaysian people have no variation on hair colour. ;] understand? wahh aku jelas sekali tidak berbakat menjadi seorang guru. nak explain pon tak reti. ;]

best best best! huuu. and do you know that doctor's aren't really smart? because they do refer books to know which genes in a chromosomes bring what and that and that. haahh! kutok diri sendiri. ecehhh BAKAL. tapi fakta la. betol. sape la yang mampu ingat bende banyak banyak tuh. sape yang ingat i SALUTE YOU la babe! heh.dodowl.

Last but not least, i really really having fun today at tuition class. tangan mariatul suddenly become BLUE-BLACK. dunno why. scary la jugak at first. papepon seriously my adrenaline over secreated la tonight. hahah. SANGAT EXCITED! ;]. the end.


MGMSabri said...

baguslah dh ada smgt...hehehe...apa pun slmt berjaya dlm exam...fizik tu first paper...kesukaan ku itu.kueng3...slmt menjalani ibadah puasa.

saye kerink said...

hahah.thanks thanks! ;]

~fara~ said...

cam best jew aq bce..
huhu..hope bg aq smgt nk
bce bio..

saye kerink said... best!

cikgu tuition ktorg ckp kalo variation tuh masok exam. KACANG PUTEH. haha. hizzam pon ckp gitu jugak.

go go caiyok! ;]


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