Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ariff's Farewell

Salam. Last night, i spend my whole SLEEP TIME with Ariff & Farid. My first and my last time, step into Ariff's room. Starting from today, 20th January 2011, Ariff isn't Kopilah-ians anymore..He will be transfering to UiTM Lendu, Melaka. Why? Because his application to change his course has been approved by UiTM. He decided to continue his studies in Mass Communication instead of Technology Textile. Ohhh I will miss him.. We just started to get close to each other.. He such a nice friend. I love to be friend with him. I am comfort with him. Haha. When Ariff & Farid bergabung, fuhhhh MERMAID MERMAID!! hahaha. They are dem hilarious. They make spontaneous humors. I love it so much!

We didn't have any chance to snap a picture together.. Ahhh why i do not own a camera. I mean digital camera. To capture those moment that i would like to kept. Hahhhh.. Anyway, we were gossiping all night long.. Then me and ariff exchanged our past stories.. I asked him a lot. How he started his first business. Do you know that Ariff, eventhough he's still a teenager like me.. Like 19 years old HELLO! he already own his own businesses. Yela yela, memang la ada je orang lain buat business. Tapi Ariff, for me, he's different. Ahh i adore him on how he manage to gain his own income di usia muda. humhum

ARIFF!! Good Luck dekat sana. Rindu rindu la dekat aku dengan Farid. haha. Moga kau dapat kawan baru yang baik-baik, and not a back-stabber. Pergi chase your dreams! And and jangan lupa, apa yang kita bet, strive to get 4.00 FLAT!! InsyaAllah. And Ariff, if you're reading this, nak cakap TERIMA KASIH for the AmbiPur.. Sangat wangi bau dia.. Bau ROSE! Rawrrr hehe. Saaaaaayang kau weh! Ada masa jom la hang-out together with Farid while semester break nanti ke kann.. InsyaAllah.

Around 5 a.m. We were just finish watching WET DREAM 2. baru la semua dah sleepy gilaa.. Farid dah tertidur-tidur dah. Ariff cakap solat subuh dulu baru tidur. Then we had a big hug.. uwuwuwu apeni emosi emosi ni. Haha. Cakap bla3, then saya naik tangga ke tingkat 4. Sampai rumah 41, pegang tombol pintu.. PEKKK! (adehh dorang kunci ke pintu nih?). Call Hanif 3 kali tak angkat. Tengok scenery, cantik nya, Subhanallah. Bulan pun cantik. Bersandar je la dekat dinding luar tuh tak tahu nak buat apa.

KREK KREK.. (ehh ada bunyi la dekat dalam..) TOK TOK TOK! TOK TOK TOK! SEKELEPAPPPP, KECIK KECIK..

A: Laa kau pergi mana?
B: Eh tak tidur lagi? Pergi rumah kawan, dia nak blah dah esok..
B: Call Hanif, dia tak angkat. Ingat semua orang dah tidur, tetiba terdengar bunyik dekat dalam, so ketuk la.. hehe
A: Aku ingatkan siapa la ketuk-ketuk tadi..
B: Napa tak tidur lagi?
A: Ohh baru habis tengok movie.
A: Kau nak tidur ke? Kau tak payah la tidur, nanti kau bangun lambat.
B: Umm tak kut, dah pukul 5 lebih. Pukul 8 dah start LDK kan.. Nanti waktu ceramah tuh tidur la. hehehe
A: Okay.. um nih napa kau ke hulu ke hilir nih?
B: Tak tahu nak buat apa..
A: Main la laptop..
B: Memang nak main, tapi laptop bawah bantal, mirul tidur atas bantal tuh..
A: Laa amek je la.. Jap aku tolong..


A: Nahh.. Senang tu pun nak kena aku ambilkan ke..
B: Heee terima kasih!!
A: Selamat hari raya!
B: Uh? Raya apa? Thaipusam? Itu Anip..
A: Hahaha a'a, esok kau bagitau dia happy thaipusam..
B: Nak tidur dah ke?
A: A'a.. aku takde LDK esok pagi.
B: Ohh a'a la kan..
B: Eh tak pergi Batu Caves ke esok?
A: Tengok la kalau Anip pergi, aku ikut la.
B: Ohh okay, SELAMAT MALAM!! selamat pagi. ;]

Ehh mana aku letak battery laptop ni aa.. Ahh dalam beg. Eh takde.. Manakah? Ahh guna power supply je la. Turn ON laptop, pinjam headphone Anip, duduk atas meja study. Tengok line wifi uitm takde, aisehhh.. Dengar music je la. Main Spider Solitaire. Game yang digemari oleh me and my mum bila bukak computer then tak tahu nak buat apa dah. Haha. Internet takde.. Dah nak masuk hari ke-4 tak online. Didn't care much punn.. Tergerak hati nak update blog, so type dulu dekat dalam Notepad, nanti ada line, copy&paste la dekat belog.

6:33 A.M. already.. Take care everybody! Moga-moga lah ceramah pagi ni bosan, boleh la tidur dalam Lecture Theater nanti. hahahaha. Not to forget, to those who celebrate THAIPUSAM, HAPPY THAIPUSAM!!. Assalamualaikum ;]

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