Hasreenajua, REEN for short. She's holding Lubitel 166b. Dah lama dah dia send mms dekat saya. Lupa pulak nak post dekat blog. SANGAT jealous. And dia pun dah cakap, orang2 yang fanatic-lomo akan jealous jugak. Ehem2, lubitel 166b, dah lama, agak mahal jugak la. Tapi kawan dia, ehem ulang suara KAWAN DIA (kawan dia punyer okay, bukan dia punya) beli dekat ebay.com, biding, so dapat la around RM300++. Cool kan? Tadi check ebay, currently, harga dia dah turun. Around RM180++ excluding the postage charge. ;]
Haritu reen tanya, nak tak? nanti beli film dia dekat Ampang Park, then kita main la dengan camera ni. Memandangkan waktu tu kawan dia kasi borrow. But then, plan tak jadi sebab cuti semester, reen jadi BABYSITTER, jaga anak buah dia dekat Nilai. And now, she's currently started her new semester at MSU. She's taking Diploma in Pharmacy. Cool kan? Well i'm not really into it. Dia je yang tergila-gila kan pharmacy since dia kerja dekat Watson for about 8-9 months. Good for her!

As for the conclusion, saja nak tunjuk korang gambar ni, kasi korang sikit jealous, takde la aku sorang je yang jealous kan. hehe. Lubitel-lubitel. Nak beli camera yang seakan-akan lubitel, Blackbird. The price is around RM435.00 if u buy it at the*Click* Shop. So how aa? I didn't have the money, so i just stay put. HAVE A GOOD DAY!
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