Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Happy 20th Belated Birthday Kak Yann!!! Hehe comel kan. Sama birthday with me. Kak Yan ni kawan my sis waktu sekolah rendah dulu. I really really hope dorang rapat macam dulu dulu i saw them dekat sekolah rendah dengan kakak sorang lagi tu, unidentified. Akak, see see.. how much Kak Yan missed u! Ohhh touched my heart. And about CKN. Haha i asked my sis and she said she forgot what CKN means (while laughing b'cuz she knows there's something about it).. Then i asked Kak Yan, CKN mean Cikgu Khairul Nizam. Hahaha. Mesti ada pape ni.


YayannnnB said...

heyy im so touched about this CKN entry. hehe :) about that 'unidentified' tu, nama dia afida. kitorg bertiga mmg berkepit je dlu hehe. thanks faris !

saye kerink said...

ahah Kak Yan!!
really? ouh simple entry je. hehe.
ouhh kak afidaa yee. haha tuh la.
anyway, my sis dah read this entry.
dia SENYOOOMMM nampak gg. hehe.
gelak sikit pasal CKN tuh. ;]


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